Equity Take Outs – Renewal

Are you one of the many who just signs the first offer that your existing mortgage provider offers you during a mortgage renewal? If so, do not look any further. Over 50% of mortgage holders do exactly this and this simply translates to higher rates and the term and product selected may not necessarily fit with their short and long financial goals. Banks tend to make the majority of their profits from mortgages on a client’s renewal rather than when they first attract the client with the initial offer.
Keep in mind that your mortgage is more or less a commodity that each lender would love to compete for. Don’t settle for the first offer your lender provides you with. Shop it around.

Our dedicated team of professionals can assist you with this process. With access to over 20 lenders (from the likes of Scotia, TD and HSBC to the wholesale channels like ING, Firstline and MCAP) we will shop your mortgage around until we find the best rate, term and product.
If you are within 6 months of your renewal date, then take the time to apply with our office.

If your mortgage isn’t coming up for renewal in the next 6 months, then take advantage of our proprietary Mortgage Tracking Program, by clicking here. This proprietary software alerts us up to six months in advance that you have a mortgage coming up for renewal and of any refinance opportunities which may increase your net worth or put you in a positive cash flow position.