Toronto’s Hottest Real Estate Enclaves

Toronto is a huge city, full of many of neighbourhood nooks and crannies that can be hard to discover on your own. Here are some of the best places to look for up-and-coming locales, according to the Globe and Mail.

Avenue Road and Dupont

Curving streets are a feature of this small pocket of town that sits west of Avenue Road and up from Dupont. Rathnelly Avenue, Poplar Plains Crescent along with Cottingham Street and McMaster Avenue are a few of the streets in this area that house solid but down to earth both detach and semi-detached properties from the Victorian years with the unmistakable look only brick houses have.


Greenery is plentiful in this nook of down just above Highway 401, bookended by Yonge Street to the east and Bathurst to the west and Burnett Avenue along its northern boundary. Slicing through the area is the Don River Valley. The area offers easy access to the highway, and is a short walk to busy Yonge and Sheppard streets for food, shopping and other amenities.

Bloor and Dufferin

The Dufferin Mall has undergone a makeover to match its up-and-coming neighbourhood. Though the Dufferin Grove area once had a tough reputation, the area has gone through major changes as young families move in, attracted by leafy streets and the short distance to major streets such as Bloor and College.

Queen and Carlaw

These two streets are the heart of Leslieville in the city’s east end. Full of character and numerous shops and restaurants catering to smart downtown denizens, the neighbourhood maintains its quirkiness throughout. Houses on streets running up and east from Queen and Carlaw and especially sought after, and the neighbourhood features several independent cafes and Morse Street Junior Public School.


Tudor-style properties are one of the common sites in this neighbourhood, which begins when you head east and north from the corner of Avenue Road and Eglinton. Though many of the homes have been renovated and made larger, the area still keeps its sense of tradition. And for shoppers, there are several up-market boutiques along Eglinton West.

Top of the Scarborough Bluffs

Within the neighbourhood of Birch Cliff and atop the Scarborough Bluffs lies Fallingbrook. In a fun twist, many of the roads here are named Fallingbrook, separated only by their designator such as road, drive, woods and crescent. There are a range of eye-catching houses here, from century-old mansions to properties constructed in the middle of the 19th century. Modern built houses are also on display in this neighbourhood, which can feel like an annex of the Beaches area.

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